In September 2020, I gave an invited talk at the annual Ansys Granta Online Materials Education Symposium. If you missed it or want to see it again you can find it here!
The talk I gave aimed to inspire lectures to look further than just streaming their lectures, when the Covid-19 pandemic forced many lecturers to switch to online teaching. Many of us were forced due to time-constraints to simply record their lectures from their own home even though their in-class teaching would be much more active. As online teaching is likely to remain as a feature of Higher Education for now, we must look at making online teaching more active.
In this talk, I highlight best practices in active learning from the edX MOOC Introduction to Aerospace Structures and Materials as delivered by TU Delft. A virtual lecturer - Mrs Hannah Hypothesis - was introduced who talked learners through easily repeatable material and structures experiments, using materials from in and around their own home. In addition, learners were asked to create their own basic aerospace structures and materials designs in their weekly assignments. And, as an added surprise, Mrs. Hannah Hypothesis made a special appearance!

[Hannah Hypothesis and Myself presenting - Image CC-By-SA4.0 Gillian Saunders-Smits]
Hopefully, the talk can also inspire you to be creative in your solutions! #engineeringeducation #onlinelearning #AnsysGranta #aetudelft #edX #tudelftonlinelearning